
Getting Involved

A huge, positive difference that I have noticed between this year and the last within the museum is the amount of community involvement we have been experiencing. Individuals are reaching out to us and looking for ways to become more involved in both the area and history. A lot of people have come forward to […]

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With summer being a few weeks underway, I have been hard at work upstairs in the artifact storage room of the Historical Society. One part of my job is to enter the artifacts I find into the museum database. I take photos of the objects and find as much information about them as I can.

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Another Summer Ahead

As the days get warmer and brighter, our museum hours get longer and our genealogy services open all season long. We’re excited to be open 5 days a week to offer free museum tours and interactive genealogy help to the best of our abilities. We have extensive records and information on many family names and

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Some Literary Figures from Windsor’s Past

This article is taken from WHHS guest speaker Rev. David Curry, January 5 2006. Some Literary Figures from Windsor’s Past Deborah How Cottnam (“Portia”), Griselda Tonge & Sir Charles G.D. Roberts I want to thank the West Hants Historical Society for inviting me to speak about Some Literary Figures from Windsor’s Past. Your President has

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