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Notes on the Early History of Central Hants County
$20.00 Add to cartBetween April 4, 1979, and 20 August 1980, several articles appeared in the Hants Journal, a weekly newspaper published in Windsor, Nova Scotia. Titled, Notes on the Early History of Central Hants County, these articles were the inspiration and labour of Mr. Ralph. B. Whittier of Rawdon.
An Early History of Windsor – The Old Parish Burying Ground
$15.00 Add to cartThe following historical notes written in 1887 to secure an act to vest the title of the “Old parish Churchyard and Burying Ground” in Windsor, in the town, and to give the town council the control and management thereof. Something of the kind was absolutely necessary in order to prevent further interments in already overcharged ground, and to provide legalized authority in which would rest the power to prevent unseemly desecration, and protect from ruthless disregard the resting place of more than three thousand dead.
This is not only a great historical book about the Old Parish Burying Ground in Windsor and a history of Windsor, it’s people and the area.
Falmouth Painted Stairs
$15.00 Add to cartPainted Stairs – Jockie Loomer-Kruger
Now into my 89th year, I feel an urgency to complete the story of the backstair risers I painted in 1992, in the Falmouth house my husband, Herb Kruger, and I, owned for ten years-from 1985-1995.
Growing up, I’d known this century home as the F.H. (Frederick Hamilton) Manning house. My father told me it had been built prior to the devastating Windsor fire of 1897. And he also told me that the story was that Mr. Manning had insisted it be sturdily constructed with what my father called ‘double framing.’ I remember huge timbers in the basement and very even floors throughout the house.
William Dawson Lawrence Maitland Hants Co.
$16.00 Add to cartThe Descendants of William Dawson Lawrence Maitland Hants County, Nova Scotia
Old St James Burial Ground Brooklyn – Meander (Old Methodist) Cemetery
$10.00 Add to cartSection I
The Old St. James Anglican Burial Ground
Brooklyn, Hants County, Nova ScotiaSection II
Meander (Old Methodist) Cemetery
Newport, Hants County, Nova ScotiaGravestone Inscriptions
1988 – 1989
published by
West Hants Historical Society
Box 2355, Windsor, N. S. BON 2TO
1990 -
Little Church at the Crossroads: Falmouth Baptist Church
$20.00 Add to cartThis updated and expanded history of Falmouth Baptist Church was produced to celebrate its 175th Anniversary in 2018.