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Snoop Corner
Who’s in the News and Can you Identify this Photo have been replaced with the Snoop Corner. Since some of the volunteers are now filling in for the members who have stepped down, one being genealogy researcher, we are finding articles, newspaper clippings, photos, scrapbooks, family history, etc. that we never knew existed until now. We had two headings to choose from: The Treasure Find and the Snoop Corner. Though the former has a much nicer sound, the latter really explains it because if we did not look into that particular file we may never have found the below photo¦

Or the piece of paper (see below) recording marriage records which is from the Diary and Related Writings of the Rev. Joseph Dimock for the years of 1768 to 1846. It was edited by George E. Levy, Acadia University.
If any of our readers have found something of interest that pertains to the families who settled in or around the Hants County area, and you think our readers would enjoy it, please forward it to us and we will print it in the next issue.