Volunteers Needed
The West Hants Historical Society relies upon its many wonderful volunteers. You can fill a role on the board or a committee, or you can choose to help out with a specific project or task. Be sure to also check out our facebook page, where we occasionally post requests for assistance.
Join our Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors meets monthly at the museum. Click here to see our current Executive. We welcome new board members at any time.
Join a Committee
Committees meet on a regular basis, determined by ongoing projects and their members. The committees/tasks below are currently open:
- Communications/Publicity
- Fundraising
- Gift Shop
- Programs and Education
- Publications
Help perform a task
Don’t have time for a repeat commitment? The WHHS always needs capable individuals for completing certain tasks, including everything from office tasks to events to renovations. Please just give us your details and an indication of what type of area you’d like to help with.
Like research? Talking to people? Organizing records and files? Maintaining buildings? Moving heavy stuff? Educating the masses? Whatever your interest, we would love your help!